For Candidates
Account Access Has Expired
If you receive an error message that your account access has expired, you must make your request to the case investigator whose contact information is in the original email you received. Technical support is unable to extend access for candidates, ...
Other Topics Section
This section includes several questions that fall into no particular category. As always, any question to which you answer Yes must have a corresponding explanation in the list at the bottom of the page.
Social Media Section
This section, which may or may not be presented, asks for your screen name on all social media platforms.
Motor Vehicle Operation History
This section asks about your history of motor vehicle operation including accidents, citations, and the extent of your current insurance. For accidents and citations, only general dates are required but be as specific as you can and if you have any ...
Sexual History
This section asks about sexual conduct that would be considered immoral or illegal depending on the jurisdiction. For each question answered Yes, you must provide an explanation in the list at the bottom of the page.
Drug Use History
This section asks about your use of illegal substances and/or misuse of legal substances. It includes a bank of Yes/No questions and 6 other that are also Yes/No but presented as a check box only because this was a legacy implementation that we have ...
Legal Section
The Legal section has more questions that any other section of the questionnaire. It
Adding Financial History
This section a
Adding Military History
This section asks about your military history including your registration for the selective service, if applicable. This section does not ask about your dates of service as this is captured in the employment section of the questionnaire. Military ...
Adding Employers
In this section, list all periods of employment and unemployment. Your employment history should not depict any gaps. There are two section of questions: one on general employment history and one on drug and alcohol related issues. The latter section ...
Adding Residences
This section collects your residential history for the previous 10 years or since the age of 15. List all residences and do not leave any gaps. Each residence also includes a list of persons you resided with at the residence. It is critical to ...
Adding References
Enter the number of references indicated on the form. Each reference should be a person who knows you well enough to speak to your character and integrity and has observed you in several modes i.e., not just work or school, but also socially. For ...
Password Tips
The most common problem that users have in POBITS is logging in. Here are some tips: If you have successfully logged in and changed your password, try to remember it. Your user name (login name) has never changed and never will. Keep trying. If your ...
Adding Relatives
Add relatives of all relationship types including natural parent, step parents, and in-law parents. If deceased, check the applicable box and no other information will be required. Provide ample contact information for the investigator to make ...
Personal Information
This section requests your name, citizenship, address, personal and work contacts, and other data such as your SSN, place of birth, and driver's license. Hover over the the various question marks next to the items for addition information. Some ...
Candidate Questionnaire Landing Page
The questionnaire page is a launching pad for all sections of the personal history questionnaire and supplemental forms. Its configuration is dependent on how the investigator has set up your questionnaire but will include links to all PHS sections. ...
Education History
This section collect on your education Answer the question regarding educational discipline and explain any affirmative answers in the list below. Enter all high schools, colleges, and vocational schools attended. For transcripts, follow the ...
Uploading Files
Candidates only update Supplemental Forms.
Completing the PHS
You can save your work at any time and return later. However, you have 10 days from the date your last credentials were issued before they expire. If they do expire, only your investigator can issue new credentials. Once you have completed the entire ...
Overview for Candidates
This video provides a brief overview of the system from the perspective of the candidate.
Supplemental Forms for Candidates
Each form item contains the form name, the form itself, a description, and instructions for completing the form. Note that each form may have different instructions. Open the form by selecting link. This will download the form to your computer. ...
We recommend that you visit your school's website for directions on requesting transcripts.