Password Tips

Password Tips

The most common problem that users have in POBITS is logging in. Here are some tips:
  1. If you have successfully logged in and changed your password, try to remember it. Your user name (login name) has never changed and never will. Keep trying.
  2. If your browser is set to save passwords, it may be working against you. When entering your credentials, clear any existing data in the fields before typing or pasting. Some browsers actually overwrite password entries with the previously saved password. Argh!
  3. Use copy and paste for accuracy.
  4. If you are applying to the US Capitol Police, we have no access to their system and you must request a password reset from your investigator. 
  5. If you are applying to any other agency, there is a password reset link here: 
    This link will send an email with a new password and return you to the login screen. Note that we have several reports that this feature is not working 100% and we are working on improving that.
  6. If you are not applying to the US Capitol Police and can't resolve your password, just reply that you need your password reset and we'll be happy to do it.
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