Case Search

Case Search

The case search is a component of the Search screen, accessible from the Search button at the top of the dashboard. Begin by selecting the master criteria on the left panel. When searching some fields, such as Case Open and Case Closed, you can use simple expressions such as >02/13/16 to filter on date ranges.

Some criteria, such as the Group, do not present a drop-down choice. This is a database limitation because the Group is actually an attribute of the Candidate. You can still type a value to filter on the Group. Any value you enter is treated as a "contains" expression. So if all of your groups contain the word "Group" and you enter "group" into the filter, it will display all cases because it is displaying all groups. 

Once you have executed your search, you can refine it by filtering on Last Name, Group, and Investigator. While it may seem redundant, there is a use case to initially filter on some criteria, then refine your search on various others while maintaining the initial primary search.

The search window includes shortcuts to review the case, review just the Exams, or create a form letter. If you need other shortcuts on this window, please let us know.
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