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Supplemental Forms for Investigators
Concept of Operation: Supplemental Forms are created in your Account Settings (menu with your name., Account Settings, Supplemental Forms tab) For every form you create, the is a checkbox labeled "Display on Questionnaires. When checked, the form ...
Candidate Groups
If you want to perform actions on multiple candidates at once, you need to create Candidate Groups. Candidate Groups can be for any organizational purpose you have. Once in a group, the following actions can be performed on any candidates selected ...
Classic and Modern PHS Versions
About the Versions POBITS includes two PHS variants: Classic and Modern. The Classic version is what was originally built into POBITS and continues to be perfectly usable for most organizations. It was developed based on the California Peace Officer ...
PHS Version Descriptions
POBITS includes two versions of the Personal History Questionnaire: Classic and Modern. The classic version is the version first built into the system based on the California Peace Officer Standards and Training guidelines and manual for conducting ...
Custom Questions
Within your account, you can customize all numbered questions for each investigative area. Here is what you need to know: Custom Questions only apply to what is called the "Modern" version of the PHS. The default questions are based on the State of ...
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Reference Questionnaire
As a reference to the candidate, you may be a relative, a personal/professional friend or acquaintance, a previous or current employer, a previous or current landlord, or a law enforcement agency to which this candidate has applied. You questionnaire ...
Overview for Candidates
This video provides a brief overview of the system from the perspective of the candidate.
Supplemental Forms for Candidates
Each form item contains the form name, the form itself, a description, and instructions for completing the form. Note that each form may have different instructions. Open the form by selecting link. This will download the form to your computer. ...
Narrative Templates
Narrative template help the investigator to rapidly assemble standard narratives for each investigative area. The best use of templates, is to construct an outline of topic areas and a standard content flow. This will make your narratives more ...
Completing the PHS
You can save your work at any time and return later. However, you have 10 days from the date your last credentials were issued before they expire. If they do expire, only your investigator can issue new credentials. Once you have completed the entire ...